385 Переглядів

Doctoral and postdoctoral studies

August 27 – September, 2012.

Institute  of Higher Education of the NAPS of Ukraine annouces admission for doctoral (PhD) and postdoctoral (Dr. of Sciences) programmes covered by public funds (public order) nad private funds (contracts).

Study in the Doctoral program can be done in full-time or part-time format for the following specialities:
08.00.03 – Economics and management of mational economy
09.00.03 – Social philosophy and philosophy of history
09.00.10 – Philosophy of education
13.00.01 – General pedagogy and history of pedagogy
13.00.04 – Theory and methodology of professional education

13.00.06 – Theory and methodologu of education management

Study in the Postdoctoral program can be done in full-time or part-time format for the following specialities:
09.00.03 – Social philosophy and philosophy of history
09.00.10 – Philosophy of education
13.00.01 – General pedagogy and history of pedagogy
13.00.04 – Theory and methodic of professional education