


The International Spring School “Inclusion, Social Responsibility, and Entrepreneurship: Social Innovations for Community Development and Youth Engagement” will take place online March 17 to April 18, 2025.

The event is organized by two Erasmus+ projects: Jean Monnet Center of Excellence “European Studies of Social Innovations in Education” project and KA2 “Universities-Communities: Strengthening Collaboration (UNICOM)” project, with support of the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine, other Jean Monnet projects “European Practices of Social and Economic Inclusion”, “Social and Cultural Aspects of European Studies”.
The School will bring together PhD and postdoctoral students, researchers, academia, representatives of expert community and civil society.

The School activities will unfold around the following themes:
– Third university mission and the social impact of universities on societal development
– European practices of social innovations and social entrepreneurship in education
– Social cohesion in Ukraine: engaging youth and communities
– Social inclusion, its types, and perspectives
– University social responsibility in overcoming societal crises.

In addition to round tables, a conference, webinars, training sessions, and participants’ self-study, the International Spring School will include an online international internship at the University of Genoa, the total number of 6 ECTS credits (180 hours).

More details about the School, how to submit a thesis, and requirements for obtaining a certificate for the international internship can be found at the link.


Social Project “Contributing to social inclusion via engaging combatants in continuing education”

Institute of Higher Education NAES of Ukraine within the fundamental research of University-Community Engagement Department “Social inclusion in the sphere of higher education during postwar period” established the Project “Contributing to social inclusion via engaging combatants in continuing education”.

Project Partners:
Institute of Higher Education NAES of Ukraine
National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine
Higher education institutions and other education institutions, involved to the project events
Rehabilitation centres and other rehabilitation organisations

Project Aim – to facilitate social inclusion of rehabilitation centre patients via dialogue and collaboration with Ukrainian education institutions: universities, colleges, vocational schools.

Project Objectives:
The project will complement physical and psychological rehabilitation with sessions and activities delivered by Ukrainian education institutions that will:

  • develop, upgrade patients’ 21st century skills;
  • organize art therapy workshops;
  • motivate amputee patients to reimagine their personal and professional goals;
  • inform them on opportunities for further learning, upskilling, reskilling;
  • help establish contacts with education institutions to be selected for further learning;
  • provide stimuli to enter an education institution.

→ More details on the project page