
Social Project “Contributing to social inclusion via engaging combatants in continuing education”

Institute of Higher Education NAES of Ukraine within the fundamental research of University-Community Engagement Department “Social inclusion in the sphere of higher education during postwar period” established the Project “Contributing to social inclusion via engaging combatants in continuing education”.

Project Partners:
Institute of Higher Education NAES of Ukraine
National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine
Higher education institutions and other education institutions, involved to the project events
Rehabilitation centres and other rehabilitation organisations

Project Aim – to facilitate social inclusion of rehabilitation centre patients via dialogue and collaboration with Ukrainian education institutions: universities, colleges, vocational schools.

Project Objectives:
The project will complement physical and psychological rehabilitation with sessions and activities delivered by Ukrainian education institutions that will:

  • develop, upgrade patients’ 21st century skills;
  • organize art therapy workshops;
  • motivate amputee patients to reimagine their personal and professional goals;
  • inform them on opportunities for further learning, upskilling, reskilling;
  • help establish contacts with education institutions to be selected for further learning;
  • provide stimuli to enter an education institution.

→ More details on the project page