
Project “Teachers’ Certification Centres: Innovative Approach to Promotion Teaching Excellence” (UTTERLY) (2021-2024)

Project site https://projects.lnu.edu.ua/utterly/

Project Coordinator from the InstituteOlha Palamarchuk (о. palamarchuk@ihed.org.ua)

The aim of the project is to contribute the modernization of higher education systems in Ukraine by introducing universities centers of teaching excellence for promotion of European educational innovations by professional university teachers’ certification.

Specific objectives:

  1. to modernize the formal system of university teachers’ professional development and certification in Ukraine by establishing of 9 independent Centers of Teaching Excellence, as well as creating their network, focusing on enhancing quality of university teaching;
  2. to introduce the professional university teachers’ certification programs based on European good practices and education innovations for ensuring teaching excellence;
  3. to develop and pilot a new teaching excellence curriculum based on teaching excellence framework, including courses syllabi and MOOCs which are permeable with education needs of academic communities in Ukraine and resulting in professional certification of university teachers.

Expected results:

  1. Benchmarking research conducted.
  2. Strategy and model for Teaching Excellence developed
  3. Selected staff retrained in EU.
  4. CTEs offices opened
  5. Professional standards for university teachers developed.
  6. Regulation for teacher attestation improved
  7. Teaching excellence curriculum developed
  8. Evaluation methodology for certification created
  9. Trainees for pilot groups enrolled.
  10. Certification programs accredited.




04.10.2021 We are pleased to announce the call for applications within the framework of the UTTERLY (University Teachers’ Certification Centres: Innovative Approach to Promoting Teaching Excellence) project, co-funded by the programme ERASMUS+: Capacity Building for Higher Education. See the information letter for more details.

Project meetings:

Final Dissemination Conference December 4-6, 2023
On December 4-6, 2023, the final dissemination conference within the Project “Teachers’ Certification Centres: Innovative Approach to Promotion Teaching Excellence” (UTTERLY) was held at the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Wroclaw, Poland).
Partners from 14 universities (from Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland, Germany and France) worked on its implementation for three years, who presented final reports on the results and achievements of the project at the conference.
The event was held in a blended format, bringing together participants both on the premises of the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology and online to maximize accessibility for all stakeholders.
Program of the Meeting

At the final meetings, the project partners highlighted key achievements, namely, they talked about the “Roadmap for teacher certification centers”, “Methodical guidelines for the creation and operation of the Center of Teaching and Learning Excellence”, presented the monograph “Teaching Excellence in higher education: theory and practice”, ” Recommendations: Teacher’s Professional Standard”, a specialized platform with e-courses for teachers, shared their achievements and exchanged cool cases regarding the excellence of teaching and learning.
The Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine was represented by Svitlana Kalashnikova, who shared the achievements of the “Professional Standard of the Teacher” and Olga Palamarchuk, who highlighted the results of the Institute’s deliverables in the project.


Meeting of Ukrainian partners (03.03.2023)
On March 3, 2023, a meeting of Ukrainian partners took place within the Erasmus+ project “Teacher Certification Centers: Innovative Approaches to Teaching Excellence (UTTERLY)” No. 619227-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP.
At the meeting, a collective monograph “Improving teaching in higher education: theory and practice” was presented, prepared by the project participants under the leadership of the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, which can be found at the following link: https://doi.org/10.31874/TE.2023

Participants also discussed:
– the course of preparation of the syllabuses of the disciplines of the “Teaching Excellence” program and the procedure for their approval;
– memorandum on cooperation between consortium partners.


Consortium meeting within the project at the University of Versailles-Saint-Canton-en-Yvelines (France) (05-09.12.2022)
Jan Borm, vice-president for international relations of the University of Versailles-Saint-Canton-en-Yvelines, presented information about the university and its international activities. The French partners shared their experience in the implementation of teaching and research competences during the teaching of disciplines and conducting research.
Asta Raupelene and Aiste Ragauskaitė (Vytautas Magnum University, Lithuania) presented the system of internal quality assurance, the structure and tasks of the Center for the Development of Professional Competences and the model of competence development for academic and non-academic staff.
Representatives of the Wroclaw Technical University (Poland) and the University of Bayreuth (Germany) conducted trainings on the development of new educational programs (Mariusz Mazurkiewicz) and intercultural communication in international projects (Nikolai Teufel).
Ukrainian partners presented the results and planned activities within the framework of project implementation.
Olha Palamarchuk and Nataliia Shofolova (Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine) presented the main results of the project for the year.


Planning meeting (07.10.2022)
On October 7, 2022, a planning meeting was held online as part of the UTTERLY project under the “ERASMUS+ CAPACITY BUILDING IN THE FIELD OF HIGHER EDUCATION” program.
Among the main issues on the agenda were the following:
EACEA (European Education and Culture Executive Agency) report on project activities and their results.
Updating the work plan of the project.
Within the framework of the meeting, Vitaliy Kukharskyy, Vice-Rector for Research, Teaching and IT-Development of Lviv University, presented the response of EACEA to the June report.


New planning meeting (27.09.2022)
On September 27, within the framework of the UTTERLY “Teachers Certification Centers: Innovative Approach to Promotion Teaching Excellence” project, an online work meeting was held at which participants discussed further plans for the implementation of the project with the following agenda:
⁃ report on project activity and its results;
⁃ preparation of a publication within the project;
⁃ purchase of equipment;
⁃ project work plan.new-meeting-27-09-2022


Meeting of Ukrainian partners (15.06.2022)
An online meeting on the UTTERLY project “University Teachers’ Certification Centers. INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO PROMOTION TEACHING EXCELLENCE” with Ukrainian partners took place in early June 2022. At first hand, the writing of the monograph “Improving Higher Education Teaching: Theory and Practice”, which is one of the main project completion results, was discussed.


Online trainings for teachers within the project (21.04-22.04.2022)
The organizer is the University of Versailles-Saint-Canton-en-Yvelines (UVSQ, France).
More than 50 participants from partner Ukrainian universities attended the training.
Alain Sarkisian (Associate Physicist, Atmospheric Physicist, UVSQ) gave a presentation on the development of research-based teaching packages about the Arctic for secondary schools.
Eda Ayaydin (Institute of Political Sciences, Bordeaux) presented the peculiarities of teaching Arctic sciences to students studying political sciences.
Jan Borm (Vice President for International Relations, UVSQ) and Marie Sikias (International Office, UVSQ) shared the results of the Erasmus+ project “How Long is Too Long (HLITL)”. The HLITL project is aimed at the improvement of mobility strategies and trajectories by higher education institutions, in particular distance and blended learning, and the development of key competencies.

On April 20th, a series of trainings on “INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO PROMOTION TEACHING EXCELLENCE” as part of the project “UTTERLY: University Teachers’ Certification Centers” was launched at the University of Versailles in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France). 70 representatives of the Higher Education Institutions which are project partners from Ukraine, Poland, France, Germany, Lithuania, as well as Lviv University participated in the training.
It is important to mention that Ukrainian universities which are situated in the active combat zone took part in the project. This shows that our education is ready to stay up to date with innovation even in such difficult for the state times, it proves that our teachers despite the air-raids warnings and difficult emotional state, which all Ukrainians are experiencing now, are striving to provide their students only educational services of high quality.


Project Management Board (07.04.2022)
A new online meeting with the partners of the project “UTTERLY: University Teachers’ Certification Centers. INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO PROMOTION TEACHING EXCELLENCE” took place in early April 2022. The project status during the defense emergency in Ukraine, its plans and further tasks were discussed at this meeting. The idea and goal for a new online training was also worded.


PMB meeting issues (20.01.2022)
A new meeting on the UTTERLY project took place on January 20, 2022.
The following issues were discussed at the meeting:
Training in Versailles on 4 -8 April.
Join a special meeting at the University of Lithuania on April 27-28: Transform4europe at VMU.

29.09.2021, the Erasmus office monitored the project where Utterly coordinators and managers presented reports on the project’s progress. Olha Palamarchuk has presented the key outcomes of the project “UTTERLY” in Lviv.


08.07.2021 – Project Management Board meeting in online mode


01.07.2021 – Meeting of Ukrainian partners in online mode


11.06.2021 – Benchmarking of teaching excellence and certification programs meeting in online mode


04.06.2021 – Project Management Board meeting in online mode


26.05.2021 – Development of a general strategy of teaching excellence at Ukraine meeting in online mode


21.05.2021 – Benchmarking of teaching excellence and certification programs meeting in online mode


04.05.2021 – Project Management Board meeting in online mode


22.04.2021 – Benchmarking of teaching excellence and certification programs meeting in online mode


16.02-17.02.2021 – Kick-off meeting  https://projects.lnu.edu.ua/utterly/zustrichi/
