


On January 20, 2025, a meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine was held in hybrid mode (both online and offline).

Before the start of the meeting, the director of the Institute Iryna Drach has awarded:
Olena Orzhel, Dr. Hab. in Public Administration, Ass. Prof., Chief Research Fellow of Department of Interaction between Universities and Society, Chair of the Academic Council of the Institute, with “Lesya Ukrainka” Medal of the NAES of Ukraine for significant personal contribution to the development of education, many years of fruitful academic activity in higher education and on the occasion of the anniversary;
Olha Petroye, Dr. Hab. in Public Administration, Prof., Head of Department of the Research Activities of Universities, with “Ushynskyi K.D.” Medal of the NAES of Ukraine for significant personal contribution to the development of education, many years of fruitful academic activity in higher education and training of highly qualified academic personnel.

The following issues were considered during the session of the Academic Council:

  • approving the report on the activities of the Institute in 2024 and the results of the competition for the position of a research worker at the Institute;
  • approving the Work Plan of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine for 2025; the Work Plan of the Academic Council of the Institute for 2025; changes to the Thematic Plan of Academic Research of the Institute for 2025; report on the work of the Council of Young Scientists of the Institute in 2024;
  • supporting for the candidacy of K.O. Vashchenko for election as a full member (academician) of the NAES of Ukraine at the Department of Vocational Education and Adult Education;
  • preparation for the International Scientific and Practical Conference «The Scientific Heritage of Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovsky as a Conceptual Basis of Social Development»;
  • recommendations of the junior research fellow of the Department of Quality Assurance of Higher Education K.O. Zhdanova for training outside of postgraduate studies in the specialty «Politics and Leadership in Higher Education».

As a result of the consideration of these issues, the Academic Council of the Institute has made the corresponding decisions.


On December 26, 2024, a meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine was held in hybrid mode (both online and offline).

On December 26, 2024, a meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine was held in hybrid mode (both online and offline).

Before the start of the meeting, the director of the Institute Iryna Drach has awarded Olha Petroye, Dr. Hab. in Public Administration, Prof., Head of Department of the Research Activities of Universities; Nataliya Shofolova, Ph.D. in Economics, Ass. Prof., Head of Department of Interaction between Universities and Society; and Olena Orzhel, Dr. Hab. in Public Administration, Ass. Prof., Chief Research Fellow of Department of Interaction between Universities and Society, with diplomas on the results of the international exhibition «Education and Career – Student’s Day 2024» for active work on the introduction of pedagogical innovations into the educational process.

The following issues were considered during the session of the Academic Council:

  • the state of academic and organizational work with post-graduate and doctoral students of the Institute in 2024;
  • approving the Regulations on the training of candidates for the degree of Ph.D. and Dr.Hab. at the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine;
  • approving the annotated (by stages) and final annotated reports on the implementation of academic research; interim reports on the results of the stages of academic research and final reports on the results of academic research at the Institute;
  • recommending the academic discipline «The Third Mission of Universities» for teaching within the framework of the «Educational and Academic Program for Advanced Training/Professional Development of Academic-Teaching and Research Fellows of HEIs and Academic Institutions»;
  • recommending for publication: academic products based on the results of the research projects; the next issue of the international academic journal «Universities and Leadership»;
  • reviewing the report on the work of the Institute’s specialized academic councils and Academic Council in 2024.

As a result of the consideration of these issues, the Academic Council of the Institute has made the corresponding decisions.


On December 9, 2024, a meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine was held in hybrid mode (both online and offline).

The following issues were considered during the session of the Academic Council:

  • nomination of candidates for election as a full member (academician) and corresponding members of the NAES of Ukraine;
  • approval of the decisions made by the Institute’s certification commission;
  • coordination of the schedule for the certification of research fellows of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine in 2025;
  • monitoring the implementation of academic research results;
  • the results of a study visit to Bielefeld (Germany) within the framework of the implementation of the Project EU Erasmus+ «Universities-Communities: strengthening cooperation»;
  • introducing changes to the editorial board of the «Philosophy of Education» academic journal;
  • recommendations for the publication of an issue of an academic journal and research products.

As a result of the consideration of these issues, the Academic Council of the Institute has made the corresponding decisions.


The Round Table Discussion “Post-war reconstruction of higher education: International experience and Weltanschauung and methodological foundations”

On November 18, 2024, the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine in accordance with the program of cooperation between the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, together with the Institute for Demography and Life Quality Problems of the NAS of Ukraine held a “round table discussion” on the topic “Post-war reconstruction of higher education: International experience and Weltanschauung and methodological foundations.”

The purpose of the event was to discuss the current strategies for the renovation of higher education in the post-war period, in accordance with the Action Plan of the NAES of Ukraine for the implementation of the Recommendations of the hearings of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Education, Science and Innovation on the topic “Restoration of education in the de-occupied territories” and the Roadmap for the implementation of the Strategy of cognitive de-occupation of Crimea.

More than thirty academic fellows and high school teachers, post-graduate students, managers and representatives of academic community tool par in the discussion in hybrid mode, online and offline. Particularly, there were representatives of National Transport University, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies of Lviv, Ukrainian State University named after Mykhaylo Dragomanov, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Kyiv Taras Shevcnenko National University, University of Educational Management et al.

In the course of the event, pedagogical, demographic, economic, philosophical, exiological and legal aspects of the post-war renovation of higher education in Ukraine have been discussed. Separate reports were made by Olexandr Gladun (Dr. Hab. in Economics, senior researcher, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, deputy director for scientific work of the Institute for Demography and Life Quality Problems of the NAS of Ukraine), Olena Otych  (Dr. Hab. in Pedagogy, professor, chief researcher of the department of interaction of higher education and the labor market of the Institute of Higher Education), Dmytro Shushpanov (Dr. Hab. in Economics, professor, head of the department of demographic modeling and forecasting of the Institute for Demography and Life Quality Problems), Yurii Mielkov (Dr. Hab. in Philosophy, senior researcher, chief researcher of the department of social and institutional transformations in higher education of the Institute of Higher Education), Oleksii Poznyak  (Ph.D. in Economics, senior researcher, head of the migration research sector of the Institute for Demography and Life Quality Problems), Yurii Vitrenko (Ph.D. on Economics, ass. prof., the Honorable economist of Ukraine, leading research fellow of the department of social and institutional transformations in higher education of the Institute of Higher Education).

Based on the materials of the round table discussion, a resolution and a number of recommendations are being prepared.


On November 11, 2024, a meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine was held in hybrid mode (both online and offline).

The following issues were considered during the session of the Academic Council:

  • approving the Action Plan for the implementation of Open Science at the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine in 2024–2030;
  • the possibility of using the professional standard «Teacher of a higher education institution» in the activities of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine.

As a result of the consideration of these issues, the Academic Council of the Institute has made the corresponding decisions.


The Round Table Discussion “Post-war reconstruction of higher education: International experience and Weltanschauung and methodological foundations”

On November 18, 2024, at 10:00 AM, the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine together with the Institute for Demography and Life Quality Problems of the NAS of Ukraine will hold a “round table discussion” on the topic “Post-war reconstruction of higher education: International experience and Weltanschauung and methodological foundations.”

The purpose of this event is to discuss the current strategies for the renovation of higher education in the post-war period, in accordance with the Action Plan of the NAES of Ukraine for the implementation of the Recommendations of the hearings of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Education, Science and Innovation on the topic “Restoration of education in the de-occupied territories” and the Roadmap for the implementation of the Strategy of cognitive de-occupation of Crimea.

Among the indicative areas of discussion:

  • European and world experience of post-war restoration of higher education
  • Demographic and economic problems of Ukrainian education today and tomorrow
  • European values and philosophical principles of post-war higher education
  • AI-based technologies and the latest methods of teaching and learning

Academic fellows and high school teachers, graduate and post-graduate students, managers and all those interested in higher education development strategies are invited to participate in the discussion.

The event will be held in hybrid mode, offline and online on the Zoom platform:

Conference ID: 883 9288 8704
Access code: 692646

Date and time: November 18, 2024, 10 AM – 12 AM (GMT+2)
Languages: Ukrainian, English
Contact person: Yurii Mielkov, Chief Research Fellow, Department of Social and Institutional Transformations in Higher Education
Registration form: https://forms.gle/xZccJszCWEBbqNbCA


On October 28, 2024, a meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine was held in a mixed mode (both online and offline).

The following issues were considered during the session of the Academic Council:

  • approving the results of the competition for the position of a researcher at the Institute;
  • creating a specialized academic council for awarding the academic degree of Doctor of Sciences;
  • approving the dissertation topics of first-year graduate students under the educational and scientific program «Politics and Leadership in Higher Education» and individual plans of graduate students and doctoral students of the Institute;
  • preparing for the 13th International Scientific and Practical Conference «European Integration of Higher Education of Ukraine in the Context of the Bologna Process».

As a result of the consideration of these issues, the Academic Council of the Institute has made the corresponding decisions.


On September 30, 2024, a meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine was held in a mixed mode (both online and offline).

The following issues were considered during the session of the Academic Council:

  • appointment of academic supervisors for postgraduate students of the Institute of the first year of study;
  • recommendation for the publication of «National educational glossary: higher education» and methodological recommendations «Development of competencies related to the preservation and strengthening of mental health, safe behavior in emergency situations».

As a result of the consideration of these issues, the Academic Council of the Institute has made the corresponding decisions.


On September 2, 2024, a meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine was held in a mixed mode (both online and offline).

The following issues were considered during the session of the Academic Council:

  • nominating Zhanna Talanova for the Ukraine state award of «The Order of Princess Olga» III class;
  • approving the admission to postgraduate and doctoral studies at the Institute;
  • approving the topic of a doctoral student’s dissertation;
  • nominating Oleksandra Borodiyenko as a candidate in the competition for the election of members of the Scientific Council of the National Research Fund of Ukraine (section of social sciences and humanities).

As a result of the consideration of these issues, the Academic Council of the Institute has made the corresponding decisions.


On August 29, 2024, a meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine was held in a mixed mode (both online and offline).

The following issues were considered during the session of the Academic Council:

  • approving the results of the competition for the position of research fellow;
  • nominating Maria Saiuk as a candidate for the scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists;
  • certifying postgraduate and doctorate students of the Institute;
  • dismissing postgraduate students;
  • making changes to the Thematic Plan of scientific research of the Institute on the topics of NAES of Ukraine for 2024.

As a result of the consideration of these issues, the Academic Council of the Institute has made the corresponding decisions.