On March 30, 2023, a meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine was held in a mixed mode (both online and offline).
The following issues were considered during the session of the Academic Council:
- making changes to the composition of the Institute’s Academic Council and awarding Zhanneta Talanova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, chief researcher of the Department of Quality Assurance of Higher Education, with the academic rank of professor;
- creating a specialized academic council at the Institute for awarding the academic degree of Doctor of Sciences;
- Rules for admission to the graduate school of the Institute in 2023;
- report on the work of the Council of Young Researchers of the Institute in 2019–2022;
- the work plan of the Council of Young Researchers for 2023;
- preparation for the II International Conference “Personality, University, Society: Problems of Interaction and Development”;
- making changes to the composition of the editorial board of the academic journal “Philosophy of Education”.
As a result of consideration of these issues, the Academic Council of the Institute has adopted the corresponding decisions.