
On January 29, 2024, a meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine was held in a mixed mode (both online and offline).

Before the start of the meeting, the Director of the Institute Iryna Drach has awarded Olha Petroye, Dr. Hab. in Public Administration, Professor, head of the Department of the research activities of universities, the Certificate of honor of the NAES of Ukraine for a significant personal contribution to the development of higher education, many years of active scientific activity and on the occasion of the anniversary.

The following issues were considered during the session of the Academic Council:

  • approving the work plan of the Institute for the year of 2024;
  • making changes to the composition of the Institute’s Academic Council;
  • approving the reports:

by the first deputy director Olena Slyusarenko and the senior laboratory technician of the Department of research organization and personnel Olena Lytovchenko on the results of a business trip to the city of Prague (Czech Republic) to participate in an educational visit-training at the Czech University of Natural Sciences in Prague as a part of the realization of the EU Erasmus+ Project «Strengthening cooperation between universities and communities» (UNICOM);

by the chief researcher of the Department of interaction between universities and society Olena Orzhel, the head of the Department of interaction between universities and society Nataliya Shofolova and the leading researcher of the Department of interaction between universities and society Mikhailo Boichenko on the results of a business trip to the city of Bielefeld (Germany) to participate in a study visit-training at the Professional Higher School of Medium Business as a part of the realization of the EU Erasmus+ Project «Strengthening cooperation between universities and communities» (UNICOM).

As a result of the consideration of these issues, the Academic Council of the Institute has made the corresponding decisions.