
On January 20, 2025, a meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine was held in hybrid mode (both online and offline).

Before the start of the meeting, the director of the Institute Iryna Drach has awarded:
Olena Orzhel, Dr. Hab. in Public Administration, Ass. Prof., Chief Research Fellow of Department of Interaction between Universities and Society, Chair of the Academic Council of the Institute, with “Lesya Ukrainka” Medal of the NAES of Ukraine for significant personal contribution to the development of education, many years of fruitful academic activity in higher education and on the occasion of the anniversary;
Olha Petroye, Dr. Hab. in Public Administration, Prof., Head of Department of the Research Activities of Universities, with “Ushynskyi K.D.” Medal of the NAES of Ukraine for significant personal contribution to the development of education, many years of fruitful academic activity in higher education and training of highly qualified academic personnel.

The following issues were considered during the session of the Academic Council:

  • approving the report on the activities of the Institute in 2024 and the results of the competition for the position of a research worker at the Institute;
  • approving the Work Plan of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine for 2025; the Work Plan of the Academic Council of the Institute for 2025; changes to the Thematic Plan of Academic Research of the Institute for 2025; report on the work of the Council of Young Scientists of the Institute in 2024;
  • supporting for the candidacy of K.O. Vashchenko for election as a full member (academician) of the NAES of Ukraine at the Department of Vocational Education and Adult Education;
  • preparation for the International Scientific and Practical Conference «The Scientific Heritage of Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovsky as a Conceptual Basis of Social Development»;
  • recommendations of the junior research fellow of the Department of Quality Assurance of Higher Education K.O. Zhdanova for training outside of postgraduate studies in the specialty «Politics and Leadership in Higher Education».

As a result of the consideration of these issues, the Academic Council of the Institute has made the corresponding decisions.