
On April 29, 2024, a meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine was held in a mixed mode (both online and offline).

Before the start of the meeting:

– Chairwoman of the Academic Council Olena Orzhel presented Olha Palamarchuk, senior researcher at the Department of quality assurance in higher education, with the certificate of Senior researcher on the specialty «011 – Educational, pedagogical sciences»;

– Director of the Institute Iryna Drach presented awards to the employees of the Institute:

Yurii Korsak, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, senior researcher of the Department of research organizational and personnel – the gratitude award by the director of the Institute for conscientious performance of official duties, high professionalism and on the occasion of the anniversary;

Olena Otych, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Department of interaction between higher education and Labor Market – Certificate of speaker at the seminar «Formation of Innovative Infrastructure of Higher Education Institutions: Theoretical Foundations and European Experience»;

Olha Petroye, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Professor, head of the Department of research activities of universities, and Olena Orzhel, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Chief Researcher of the Department of interaction between universities and society – Diplomas of the International Exhibition «Education and Career – Student’s Day 2023» for active work on the implementation of pedagogical innovations in the educational process;

– Director of the Institute Iryna Drach informed about the Institute having been awarded with following honors:

«Gold Medal» diplomas in the nominations «Research activity of a higher education institution» and «Quality professional education – sustainable development of the Ukrainian state»;

Diploma for participation in the international exhibition «Education and Career – Student’s Day 2023»;

Diploma of the fifteenth international exhibition «Modern Educational Institutions – 2024» for the presentation of achievements, active participation and significant contribution to the development of the sphere of education and science of Ukraine.

The following issues were considered during the session of the Academic Council:

– approval of the «Admission rules to postgraduate studies of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine in 2024», «Regulations on the scholarship commission and the rules for awarding academic scholarships to postgraduate and doctoral students of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine», «The procedure for using the funds provided for the financial assistance and encouragement (awards) to graduate students of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine»;

– approval of the «Perspective thematic plan of the research at the Institute for 2025–2027»;

– preparation of the «Indicative prospective thematic plan of the research at the Institute that starts in 2026 and 2027».

As a result of the consideration of these issues, the Academic Council of the Institute has made the corresponding decisions.