
On November 30, 2023, a meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine was held in a mixed mode (both online and offline)

Before the start of the meeting, the director of the Institute I.I. Drach presented awards to the employees of the Institute:

– L.M. Chervona, Ph.D., senior research fellow, head of the Department of Interaction between Higher Education and Labor Market – Medal of the NAES of Ukraine «Lesya Ukrainka» for significant personal contribution to the development of higher education and philosophical science, many years of active academic activity and on the occasion of the anniversary;
– O.Yu. Orzhel, Ph.D., Dr. Hab. in public administration, associate professor, chief researcher of the Department of Interaction between Universities and Society – Certificate of the speaker of the Interactive seminar «The social role of higher education during the war and post-war reconstruction».
Director of the Institute I.I. Drach has noted the academic and methodical activity of O.H. Yaroshenko, Ph.D., Dr. Hab. in pedagogy, professor, member of the NAES of Ukraine, chief researcher of the Department of Interaction between Higher Education and Labor Market – co-author of the textbook «Getting to know nature» and the workbook «Getting to know nature» for the 6th grade.

The following issues were considered during the session of the Academic Council:

  • the results of attestation of candidates for the members of the attestation commission;
  • assigning the academic title of senior researcher to O.F. Palamarchuk;
  • formation of a one-time specialized academic council at the Institute for the one-time defense of the dissertation by O.M. Gulko to attaining the Ph.D. degree;
  • progress and monitoring of the implementation of the results of academic research;
  • recommending for publishing the academic works based on the results of academic research, as well as regular issues of «Universities and leadership» and «Philosophy of education» academic journals;
  • making changes to the editorial board of the “Philosophy of Education” academic journal;
  • recommending the academic disciplines for teaching within the educational programs of the Institute.

As a result of the consideration of these issues, the Academic Council of the Institute has made the corresponding decisions.