
The Round Table Discussion “Post-war reconstruction of higher education: International experience and Weltanschauung and methodological foundations”

On November 18, 2024, at 10:00 AM, the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine together with the Institute for Demography and Life Quality Problems of the NAS of Ukraine will hold a “round table discussion” on the topic “Post-war reconstruction of higher education: International experience and Weltanschauung and methodological foundations.”

The purpose of this event is to discuss the current strategies for the renovation of higher education in the post-war period, in accordance with the Action Plan of the NAES of Ukraine for the implementation of the Recommendations of the hearings of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Education, Science and Innovation on the topic “Restoration of education in the de-occupied territories” and the Roadmap for the implementation of the Strategy of cognitive de-occupation of Crimea.

Among the indicative areas of discussion:

  • European and world experience of post-war restoration of higher education
  • Demographic and economic problems of Ukrainian education today and tomorrow
  • European values and philosophical principles of post-war higher education
  • AI-based technologies and the latest methods of teaching and learning

Academic fellows and high school teachers, graduate and post-graduate students, managers and all those interested in higher education development strategies are invited to participate in the discussion.

The event will be held in hybrid mode, offline and online on the Zoom platform:

Conference ID: 883 9288 8704
Access code: 692646

Date and time: November 18, 2024, 10 AM – 12 AM (GMT+2)
Languages: Ukrainian, English
Contact person: Yurii Mielkov, Chief Research Fellow, Department of Social and Institutional Transformations in Higher Education
Registration form: https://forms.gle/xZccJszCWEBbqNbCA